To start with, did you know Zanzibar and Tanzania has two different governing bodies ruling the affair of the republic?
Hello everyone My name is Tomi London. I’m a fashion blogger by day and a Travel Professional by night. And Oh yes, Zanzibar and Tanzania are completely different with each, with their own flag. I visited Zanzibar in November 2022 solo and I can tell you for sure, nothing, absolutely nothing! Prepared me for all i encountered, experienced and learned.
However, It’s safe to say, the High rate of growth in the Fashion industry in 2022, in Africa, to be precise, has been a huge highlight of the year.Africans are now gaining more grounds than ever on their locally made textiles and Made In African apparels, in the global supply chain.
As a travel agent, I love to explore various possibilities of how many things can be done within a short period of time in a particular country. I landed in Tanzania’s 🇹🇿capital city , Dar Es Salaam to experience what can be done in 24 hours. I visited the National Museum (video on my IG : @tomilondon_ ), it was an eye opening experience. I mean things that makes us learned outside the school education is traveling. Learning about history, culture, food, people and the list goes on, just in a blink. Then all would be Left to you and me to use your imagination, for the visuals.
However to my greatest surprise, Zanzibar being a Muslim Republic with very recent high volumes of recent European Tourists and European immigrants, Zanzibaris are very strong in preserving their moral values with their mode of dressing.Do go with a scarf or two to Stonetown, they will always come in handy. But on a lighter note, do not wear revealing clothes nor swim-wears outside your hotel or resort.
My personal recommendation from The Àga Culture would be;
- The Owen skirt paired with Erinma Top
- Sesi Jumpsuit
- Doyin dress
- Fadé Dress.
You can shop these and more on www.agaculture.com Thank you for reading. Hope to have you read a Travel post again in the future from me!